Time is Running Short on
Our Human FutureManifesto for a Human Future
True progress for the Human Being is spiritual progress.
While technology has brought humanity many great leaps in material attainment and ease, and a relief in suffering, so too has it brought greater disconnection from Nature, the Divine and each other. We must see through the myth of “progress through technology” and demonstrate a new kind of progress which can be found in activating our inner spiritual technologies.
The Human Being is Divine.
Though we have physical bodies, we are not only physical beings. Cultures and religions since time immemorial have recognized our Divinely created origins. Modern science, having overcome the prejudice of Neo-Darwinism, observes in our cells the signature of Intelligent Design and thus a Designer.
Technological augmentations, genetic manipulations, nanobot incursions, microchip insertions and other technological modifications of the human being to extend life beyond its natural course, or to provide it with new technological enhancements, risks breaking our connection with our Divine blueprint and birthright.
The Human Being is symbiotic with the Earth.
In order for human beings to evolve to higher orders, the biosphere, our incubator, the Earth was created. We require the Earth for our ongoing spiritual evolution. Seeking life in space, on Mars or other planets is a fool’s errand. We must protect the future of a natural and life-sustaining Earth into the future, including the life of other lower order lifeforms with which we also live symbiotically on Earth, especially the pollinators upon whom we depend.
The Human Being is a being in becoming.
We do not judge children because they have not yet matured, likewise we should not judge humankind based on its current, incipient stage of development. Believing human beings to be inherently flawed or limited, Transhumanists seek to replace the incipient Human Being with a newly upgraded and enhanced, AI powered version. Such a plan, if successful, will steal from us our future promise to develop into the fullness of our moral, cognitive and spiritual capacities.
The Human Being is a social being.
In order to maximize well-being, learning and spiritual evolution, we require other human beings with which to interact and socialize. Social distancing, quarantining, online virtual living and working is anathema to Human becoming. We must create communities where human beings have the opportunity to regularly gather and interact with one another in non-commercial and non-technologically invasive environments.
The Human Being requires physical death (for spiritual life)
Though all natural beings wish to live as long as possible, death is not to be feared, as it is not the end of life, but a gateway into another phase and form of life within a non-physical (spiritual) domain. Death is an essential component of our design (and all biological life), and necessary for our ongoing individual spiritual evolution, and the advancement of humankind. Attempts at genetic manipulations, bio-hacking and technological interventions to extend life beyond its natural, healthful limits are a product of fear and ignorance that Life and Death are faces of the same coin, created by our Intelligent Designers for our advancement and perfection.
Our human future depends on biological women.
Human souls, in order to take physical existence and perpetuate the evolution of our species, require the healthy, life-protecting womb of a woman. Once born, it is the love and devotion of the mother that will nurture human physical and soul life, and lead the soul to its purpose and place in the world order. Women and the sanctity and fertility of their wombs must be protected with our lives, and all technological processes of giving birth to human beings, whether through artificial wombs, gene editing or human cloning must be shunned and outlawed.
Our human future depends on intact families.
Just as a child requires a loving mother, so too they require a loving and supporting father, as well as the imprint of healthy relating between the parents. Healthy children learn through healthy examples and environments. Bringing children into this world must become a sacred calling for couples, and the sanctity of marriage should be supported. All incursions against the family are attacks on the child and on humanity.
Our human future depends on intact children.
The human soul traversing the process of childhood is subject today to countless unnecessary medical traumas as a matter of public health policy, before they can even verbalize. We should work to remove all traumas being perpetuated against children, which today includes the onslaught of in utero radiation (EMF radiation, doplar radar), harmful vaccinations, circumcision, PK poke tests, c-section operations for convenience and many others. These, in addition to gender-transitioning for minors are forms of child abuse that must be resisted.
The rights and values of the Human Being are primary.
The rights, interests and values of the Human Being must remain primary, and the safeguarding of our human future our highest concern. Even though AI is outpacing our intellectual capabilities to assume the position of the smartest entities on earth, it is only human beings that have the moral and spiritual right to make decisions on behalf of its AI creations, and behalf of all other species. AI must never be granted legal personhood or put on par with the Human Being with respect to rights.
The Human Being is ennobled through work
Work, if it is freely chosen, undertaken with consideration and done well for the benefit of one’s family and community, has always been a source of self-respect and pride for human beings. Learning a trade or skill, developing expertise in a professional field of study, or simply laboring on the land to cultivate food or beauty builds strength of character, fitness of body, sharpness of mind, and other capacities which enrich the human experience. Further, working together with others, in the community or the enterprise, builds bonds of social connection and comradery. We hold that a human being is entitled to work, freely chosen and undertaken with colleagues, and that human work ought never to be replaced by artificial intelligence against the consent of the human workers being replaced.
The Human Being is especially ennobled through culture
The intellectual, soul and spiritual life which is developed through a proper upbringing and education has enabled human beings to express themselves through education, art, spirituality and scientific discoveries, and to embed its expressions in the cultural artifacts of the society. Temples and churches, great works of fine art, philosophy, music compositions, stories and dramatic works, and scientific discoveries are the collective fruits of civilization, and pass along our embedded knowledge and cultural progress to future generations across time. Human beings must have opportunities to create and express artistically, and the production of human generated cultural artifacts should be promoted over artificially created ones. Measures must be established online and in the physical world to transparently differentiate artificial from human cultural productions.