Charting a Human Future

What will remain that is Human, even in the decades ahead, at the current rate of growth in artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and genetic manipulation of the human genome? There is a short window of opportunity to organize to ensure that there is a future for the non-augmented, organic intelligence of the Human Being.



Wake up
Time is Running Short to Ensure

Our Human Future

Exponential growth of computer processing power, nanotechnology and human brain mapping is leading us rapidly forward to what is being called the Technological Singularity. This is the point in time in which artificial intelligence will become so intelligent that it is able to redesign its own software and hardware, and thereby in a short period of time so vastly exceed the intelligence of human beings that homo sapiens sapiens could become obsolete. Some argue that humans need not be left out of such a scenario, but can in fact transcend our limited human level intelligence by merging with such intelligent machines, by for example augmenting our brain with an AI chip, Elon Musks’ NeuraLink or more invasive colonization of our biological and electromagnetic terrain.   The implications of such a trans-human future are hard to fathom, given our inability to comprehend exponential growth. Some of the world’s leading thinkers and scientists have warned, however that such an event, may mark the end of  the evolution of humankind- and its’ replacement with a new ‘upgraded” AI powered version, or worse, it’s extinction in a post-human future should the AI takeover and decide that human beings are obsolete.

New solutions are needed and fast, for human beings to wake up to the existential threat that we are facing, and begin to come together to co-create a future where the natural, fully organic intelligence of human beings can survive and thrive, as we transcend our current limations and discover our divine blueprint and purpose in the cosmic plan.

Join us!

What Drives Us

Our Mission

To ensure the future of the natual, spiritual Human Being in the face of harmful and dehumanizaing technological advances. We are advocating for the protection and development of  Organic Human Intelligence, over Artificial Intelligence.

Project in Development

Our Future Human Network

A directory of physical communities, gathering places, organizations and people who share a common vision of a future where non-augmented, natural and spiritually evolved human beings can thrive. We are working to build a directory to help support new and existing communities to thrive, through sharing of knowledge, skills, and cultural artifacts,  mutual economic support and new human- compatible technologies.

Project in Development

Solidarity Economy

We are working to build a new economic system to link communities within the OHF Network for resiliency and mutual prosperity. So long as we are dependent on economic systems developed to extract from and control people and communities, we will not be able to ensure a Human future.  We have identified a block-chain based mutual credit system, with backup printed vouchers as the way forward. No usery, no extraction, no pump and dump cryptos, just a fair and modern money system.

Projects in Development

Education & Media

Becoming Fully Human Course

In order to navigate the new future of deep fakes and perfect emulation of human sounds, images, videos and at some point Ai powered human clones, we need to activate our higher human spiritual sensing technologies, which are lying dormant within us. This course is being developed to help spiritually activate as many people in the network as possible. The more awake we are to our divine capacities and purpose, the less susceptible we will be to the lure of anti-human technological traps.

Super Human Babies Project

It is imperative for the future of humanity that we safeguard the sanctity of the human genome and physical bodies (from pre-conception to adulthood) in order to ensure the continution of the organic human intelligence. This course, in development, will guide prospective couples and expectant couples through the process. of brining spiritually advanced babies into the world.

Get Involved

Time is running out to safeguard the future of humankind as the tech titans and their technocratic political puppets work overtime for a transhuman and even post-human future. People of goodwill must unite as never before to put their time, talents and resources together to ensure our human future. Your help is needed. What are called to do about it?

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